Hudson’s birth story: On Monday night light but consistent contractions started at around 8 pm They continued till around 1 am when labor picked up a little more. Regular contractions continued through the night until around the time the girls wake up and then things stalled. I tried to sleep a lot that day since […]

I don’t know about other people but leaving a house is hard for me. When Trent and I were first married he wanted to move into a 2 bedroom from a 1 bedroom apartment and I didn’t want to because I had just finished making the one we lived in our home and I felt […]

When we shot these photos it was the rehearsal night for the Mesa Temple Easter Pageant Jesus the Christ. There were lots of people dressed in costumes rushing back and forth from the parking lot area to the huge lawn area out front. At one point a small heard of Roman Soldiers walked past and […]

I was so excited when Jenna asked me to take photos at Sugarplums this spring! Almost 5 years ago when we did our very first market we connected with a lot of the other local sellers and there was always chatter about the famous Sugarplums Market that everyone wanted to sell at. I also heard […]

We have gone to church with the Nelson family for about 4 years now and I didn’t feel like I knew them extremely well… until this Saturday started. Throughout the day I kept having little memories pop up of interactions we have had together over the years. Like when Cory taught a class that Trent […]

It was so fun to have this sweet family come for a visit this last week. I know I mentioned this on IG already but Baby Ozzy was born the day after Sage at the same birth center! I was kinda hoping for the same day but that’s still pretty cool right? He was just […]

What a little cutie! Lately when I cry I ask myself “Alyssa, is this pregnancy or would you be crying anyway?” Haha… the longer I’ve been pregnant the harder it is for me to be sure of my response to myself but I’m pretty sure I would be crying editing these anyway- especially the ones […]

What an absolute dream it was to photograph Kelsi out in the desert this weekend! I got to shoot in my favorite spots downtown on Friday night and then my favorite spots out at the Salt River (this session) on Saturday so I was in heaven all weekend. I feel so fancy being able to […]

Guys! You will never believe what happened when we were at the river taking these maternity photos!… There we were at our second location. I had barely gotten my camera out to start adjusting the setting to the new location and the quickly setting sun. Of course this is the moment a heard of wild […]