We have gone to church with the Nelson family for about 4 years now and I didn’t feel like I knew them extremely well… until this Saturday started. Throughout the day I kept having little memories pop up of interactions we have had together over the years. Like when Cory taught a class that Trent […]
This was one of the funnest thing I did all week, honestly. I love getting out of the rhythm and driving out to a place I would never otherwise go- especially when the company is so great. Wes and Jodi own a landscaping business and @deeprootsplantcompany and as I was taking pictures I pointed them […]
If I could describe this family in three words they would be: exciting, connected and positive. Exciting because they aren’t just excited themselves but they have a certain energy that they transfer to others. In the way they talk and interact. It makes you like every moment is an opportunity. This is especially true for […]