What a special time in life! I know for me, I dreamed of serving a mission from the time I was a little girl. My aunt had gone to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in Korea and I was always fascinated to hear all her stories of teaching people about Jesus Christ for the […]

I love this family so much. They are part of our church family and have always made us feel welcome and loved from the very first weeks we moved here! I remember Ruth encouraging me when Brighten was first born and telling me about her experience with having her oldest daughter and how special it […]

Hey! It’s that time of year! And you know I have to practice what I preach! Here are my favorites from our very own family photos. A big thank you to Justin Miller aspiring photographer for helping out with the shots that include both Trent and I. I see great things ahead in your photography […]

Ok, it is a miracle that this Blog is up. I’m not even saying that because it’s the popular time of year for family photos and this is a double blog week (even though it is that too). So here is the story: Sage got out of bed or fell out of bed or something. […]

One of my favorite families :). Justin use to be our pastor at church and I volunteered with Amy in the children’s ministry so we have become so close with them. They’re the kind of Jesus-People that make other people want to be Jesus-People because they so effortlessly show how it makes their lives better. […]

This has been such a fun series to review my personal favorites from different categories over the past years. It has definitely been a trip down memory lane and it makes me realize how may friendships I have thanks to photography. I once heard it said that weddings are the marathon of photography. The amount […]

Aren’t these two girls just the cutest. Well, they are as sweet as they are cute. I think the first time I met Penny and Stevie was when I shot their parents wedding! It was so fun to see their sister dynamic again and wonder how Brighten and Sage will be when they get a […]

Mesa Arizona Temple Baptism Pictures

What a beautiful and special day. So many little miracles brought this day together. If you follow me on Instagram I eluded to “miracles and winks” that made this day come together, and let me tell you there were plenty throughout the day. I was so happy to be able to be there, documenting Kelly […]