This girl, you guys, is stylin’! I asked her what her secret is and she said that it took her a while to cultivate her own personal style and she now she lives by the rule that she doesn’t buy anything unless she absolutely loves it. I love that! This is something that I recently started doing myself-mind you it took me about 10 years longer to figure this out than Tara. Haha.
Speaking of her smarts did you know that Tara is Valedictorian at her High School! I got to ask her a little about how all this craziness has affected her and her school. I know she has missed out on so much of the senior experience. Senior Prom, College Tours, Graduation even! For someone who has invested so much into her education this is obviously a big bummer. However, you wouldn’t think she was disappointed looking at her smiles and laughter in these photos. She was so upbeat and fun to be around!
I asked her what she would have said in a speech and she said of course there would need to be a balance between funny and inspirational. She would probably throw in some quotes from her favorite teachers and finish off with a good message.
Tara, I hope someone hears your speech some day. Congratulations on graduating top of your class.
I know life turned upside down like no one could have expected over these last few months but Tara’s joyful attitude and her resilience showed me, and I’m sure everyone who knows her, that nothing can hold us back if we just keep smiling!
This made me shed tears!! I loved it so much!!!