Kailey Mission Portraits

What a special time in life! I know for me, I dreamed of serving a mission from the time I was a little girl. My aunt had gone to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in Korea and I was always fascinated to hear all her stories of teaching people about Jesus Christ for the first time…and the stories about how they called her a giant as she walked past because she was a tall white lady, haha.

Kailey was called to serve in New Jersey Spanish speaking!

I wanted to go Spanish speaking on my mission because I thought it would be a pretty convenient way to learn a language that would increase my pay in my chosen profession once I returned (speech therapy). Well I ended up speaking French instead and I am happy I did. I am grateful for a husband who speaks Spanish though. He went on his mission to the Dominican Republic.

Many Dominicans immigrate to the New Jersey so maybe Kailey will learn some Dominican Slang and accent that they can share.

Every time I photograph missionaries it brings back so many memories for me.

Some of the best times of my life were on a little island out in the Pacific teaching people about Jesus Christ and watching their eyes light up as they got to know their Savior on a personal level.

I am so grateful for my parents teaching me about Jesus Christ and what he has done for me. The best way to find peace in life, I am convinced, is to draw closer to him, repent of sin and share that simple but life changing message with others.

Just as we were wrapping up our session we ran into another missionary, Elder Langford, who will be serving in Côte d’Ivoire (The Ivory Coast) and so I snapped a few photos of him as well. Côte d’Ivoire is a French speaking African country for whom I was a Delegation Liaison and Translator in the World Special Olympics when it was in Los Angeles in 2015. They begged me to join them again, four years laters, at the next World games in Dubai but by that time I was married with a small baby (Brighten) and could not attend. But I promised many people to some day go and visit them in Abidjan where they live. I still hope to do that one day!

Anyway, I feel like I just made that post completely about me because I just have too many good memories to not share a few!

Here are a few of my favorites from our session:

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