I did NOT want to take family photos this year. Don’t get me wrong- I wanted family photos of our family this year… I just didn’t want to have them taken. And it’s not that I didn’t want to be in them… I just didn’t want to look the way that I do in them (aka just gave birth a month ago). BUT because we have a commitment as a family to make this happen every November and have been doing it in November for going on 4 years it was easier to stick with it than it would have been.
I always give people this piece of advice: Don’t wait until the photos look outdated. Set a month of they year that works for you and take them every single year!
Of course I did feel a little pressure to not put off family pictures because I am always encouraging other people not to put them off for silly things like “I’m soooo busy and overwhelmed” and “I just want to loose weight first”. But it put things in perspective for me and made me realize how real these things can feel and be. I had to trust myself just like my clients do that your family, your little kids who are changing and growing everyday will thank you down the line.
Thank you for taking the photos even when they were toddlers and running around crazy or refused to smile
Thank you for taking photos in their awkward teen years when they were embarrassed and wanted to be doing anything else.
Thank you for the photos you kept printed and on the walls in your home because DID YOU KNOW…
Science has proven that children who grow up in a home where there are physical family photos hanging on the wall have an increased confidence and sense of self-worth?
Who doesn’t want to give a little more of that to their children?!?!?
Needless to say I am soooo glad we took these photos. Despite the 6 year old who now apparently has opinions about her own hair-do upsets and the 3 year old I-just-want-to-pick-flowers-yells and the newborn spit up all over a too big dress that arrived the day before and could not be exchanged and the literally half done hair because mom spent too much time on everyone else’s outfits and hair.
I see you. I’m with you. And I’m telling you to do it anyway! It’s worth it!
Not a single day is guaranteed and not to be morbid but people usually look for the last professionally taken photo for funeral announcements.
I’m not trying to scare people into taking family photos but, I think in a world that sees them as an extra I’ve come to realize how valuable they really are.
Maybe that’s why I love what I do so much!
Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

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