This was so much fun and a dream for me! Why had I never thought to just take pictures right here in my own neighborhood. These three just moved from Utah and it was an honor to be one of the first to welcome them back to Arizona! (In all honesty though, whenever anyone comes back to Arizona isn’t the first priority to get some pictures with cactus? YES!)
I met Sandy when we were both in college and although we were never super close I always kicked myself for that because she is one of the most down-to-earth, funny, life-loving people I have ever met. Jacob and her fit really well together as he is the same. They told me they were so excited for this session which made me feel like a million bucks since I know Sandy has a great eye for beauty as an artist herself, and does custom paintings including home paintings.
These little cottages in this historic part of town reminded me a lot of the cute, quaint homes she often paints in her watercolor work.
Of course I was excited to meet little Evelyn, who has the most adorable smile. I can’t decide who she got her perfect little lips from but wow! <3 I’m excited to see this little family grown by one within this next year!

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