Room Service Please. Baby Chye’s Birth Turned Fresh 48 Session.

What a day! Sometimes things go exactly as planned, but that is rarely the case with birth. Sometimes, though, that is what makes them better than imagined. I am so happy for my sister who finally got her “home” birth, she never thought would be possible, even though it turned out in the most unexpected way! Cue *happy, with a slightly nervous sweat drop emoji.

My sister was a champ and told us to get the midwife to her. Her instincts knew she wouldn’t make it to the birth center, and she was right!

2 contractions after Pam (the midwife) arrived he was born! (Gotta love Willow Midwives- I don’t know any Drs who would come to you like that.)

Baby Chye was born just 2 oz under 10 lbs so now I get to tease her that she gave birth to a tiny baby just like me! (His older brother was 10 lbs even at birth).

Isn’t he the most adorable little boy you have ever seen!

His siblings are totally fascinated and can’t get enough. After mom and dad got rested we were able to go back and take some cute pictures of family time turning Birth Photography into a Fresh 48 session.

Although I missed photographing the birth (*facepalm) I’d like to think getting the midwife and the birth assistant to a random hotel on main street (correct room and all), AND getting as many towels as possible from the front desk as important too! What can I say- I’m a full-service photographer. Haha.

Needless to say we are all in love, and a little stunned at how he decided to make his appearance.

Congrats to my sweet sister and brother-in-law. <3 And of course to the big brother and sister who came back from a swim at the hotel pool to find a baby brother waiting for them.

Now that’s what I call Room Service.

Tips for my Phollowers (Photographer Followers):

Sometimes your job takes a backseat. Whether at a wedding or a birth there are things that happen what will show people who you are as a person. They may be emergencies but they’re also opportunies to show people that you care and that you’re more than just someone who understands light and stands behind a camera. You care about your job and your clients! Showing this will do more for you than any SEO or ads manager will.

  1. Becky Crowther says:

    I’m so in love with all of you. Alyssa these photos are perfect!! Caitlin you are amazing!! Thank you for sharing. Love you, Aunt Becky

  2. Lynze says:

    I love this all so much! The blog is amazing.
    And of course the new babe and those blond blond siblings 😍

  3. Connie Raney says:

    Just reading this again today! Makes me tear up!

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