Wow! What an amazing family to work with. These four are first of all the sweetest and cutest ever! Even after a long day at work on a week night they showed up with their A-game and were ready to get some family pictures! I understand family pictures aren’t always everyone’s favorite and can be a tad stressful so I appreciate when people come with a great attitude. Laura even ripped her contact on the way over and you wouldn’t even guess it- What a trooper!
Little Brother is having a birthday tomorrow! What an excellent time of year to remind yourself to get family photos!
On the way home the sunset was especially glow-y and soft which made me start thinking about my own family photo memories. Since my grandmother was a photographer we didn’t have to try very hard growing up to schedule family photos- she came to us. Now that I’m a photographer I feel like the importance of annual family photos is magnified! I think I’m going to use the idea I got tonight from the Loose family and try to do it near a family members birthday each year, probably Trent’s, because although today (AUG 20th) was definitely not to bad at all I can’t imaging doing AZ desert Photos in May or June (Yikes!). Thanks Trent for having a Birthday in November.
Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot at Usery Mountain Regional Park Area:

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