What an amazing family. I have so much to say about them I considered writing this blog before we even did the shoot because I already have so much I want to share! Ned and Lisa are some of the most open-hearted people I have ever met. They truly live a life open to others and showing love and inclusion to those they come in contact with. Getting to know them it makes perfect sense why they own a successful restaurant and market geared towards people with food allergies! You can check out their website here. Intentional Foods has been a life-saver and a safe-haven for our family. We love going there and knowing that everyone in our family will be safe because not only is IF Top 9 Allergen-Free, everyone who works there is hyper-knowledgable about exactly what goes into each dish. Besides this amazing endeavor Ned and Lisa have three beautiful girls Maddie, Ruby, and Sarah (the inspiration for their restaurant).
The Heath family lives with a certain mindset that I want to live my life in. It’s a mindset that most people go through phases of life being in and out of. When they move and need new friends, or when someone close to them dies maybe- they reach out to others and look for that soul connection.
The Heath family is like that all the time. On a mission to connect to others on a deeper level and are so willing to be open and generous with time, resources and heart. They see the value of what they give and go into each interaction heart wide-open. Knowing them, and seeing them interact with the community they have built has taught me tremendous amounts about the need for such generosity in a self-centered world- and what I, like them, can do about it. <3
Here are a few of my favorites from our session together today:

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