The Curtis family was as agreeable as the weather! I was so excited when Talia reached out to me to schedule this multi-generational session. As many of you know I am very passionate about family photos being printed and hung on the walls of your home. I encourage every family I work with to do this, but I have a special conviction for taking time to have multi-generational family photo taken and printed.
I was impressed with this family to say the least. Not only did they coordinate multiple schedules (and outfits!) to all be present, coming from different cities, but they also all arrived cheerful, smiling and ready to roll.
Smiles came naturally as Mila (short for Emilia- isn’t that adorable) showed us her 12 months accumulation of skills; from hand gestures and talking and walking to that adorable teeth-y smile.
At one point Mila was racing down the sidewalk with the biggest smile toward her Grandma Diana.
The connection and love between each family member was palpable and reminded me during a confusing world, no matter our differences, where our home base should always be. Enjoy a few of my favorites from our session below:
What a great looking family!