We have gone to church with the Nelson family for about 4 years now and I didn’t feel like I knew them extremely well… until this Saturday started. Throughout the day I kept having little memories pop up of interactions we have had together over the years. Like when Cory taught a class that Trent […]

The Curtis family was as agreeable as the weather! I was so excited when Talia reached out to me to schedule this multi-generational session. As many of you know I am very passionate about family photos being printed and hung on the walls of your home. I encourage every family I work with to do […]

My first ever milk bath shoot! I was honored to be a part of this experience! Jasmine wanted to celebrate 6 months of breastfeeding by doing a milk bath photoshoot with her sweet baby girl.  What a cute idea and with such a strong meaning! Breastfeeding is hard! It is definitely worth the celebration making it […]