Not gonna lie this has been a little confusing in our house. When Trent and I were about to have Brighten, actually before we even knew she was a girl, we both had a dream that we had 2 girls and 1 boy so we picked out 2 girl names and one boy name. After Sage was born Brighty had a fascination for babies and kept asking questions about if we were going to have more babies in our family and what their names would be. One time I mentioned, after something she asked, that I thought we would have one more baby and that it would be a boy and we were going to name him Stetson because daddy liked that name from before we got married. Well I figured she would forget about it but she never did. Every now and then she would talk to people about her baby brother Stetson and I would get lots of confused looks when I would tell people I was not pregnant. When my cousin Rachel and Caleb decided on the name Stetson as well this just reminded Brighten EVEN MORE of her ‘baby brother Stetson who isn’t born yet’ as she calls him. We have tried thinking of some other names since, but I think it’s a gift that we told Brighten and she hasn’t forgotten because somehow it is just meant to work out this way. So if Brighten has told you lately any 4-year-old-version of this and you are confused then I hope that clears some things up, haha. It’s on her mind a lot lately… but not mine. ^^)
It was so sweet to meet little Stetson and see Rachy become a mom. She has grown into the roll so naturally and it was so amazing to hear her beautiful, natural, home birth story as I took these. Stetson was one of the most headstrong babies I have ever worked with. He was calm but determined to position himself how HE wanted. It was kinda funny actually. For only being a week old he is so strong and strong willed! Here are a few of my favorites:

^When I put his little arm up under his head he NBD lifted his head up and moved his arm like this! See what I mean about HEAD strong (hehehe get it).

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